He cares. He loves.
I, belong to Him.
Nothing is greater than Him.
Loves! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Friday, July 10, 2009

just randam-ing

blank again now ==
why now everytime wanna write blog also blank wan >.<

cut-ed my hair dii =]
is so ....

my children look back again >.<

1st day is nice
but days goes on is like


see the photo ..

just moody today

dont know why also ==

maybe cause my cuttie change dii >.<
told me something i dont like

but i still love him
loves !! =))

*wei !! you're still mine now !!
always =]


oh ya
weng kiat ill dii =((

want him heal !!

NOW !!

he need more of energy

God Bless

i'll pray for you

*he cut-ed his hair also !! xD


nowadays very supah easy tired

mentally tired

give me strength =//

is like little little bit then tired dii
( cuttie said wan >.< )

im learning also !!

but still tired o.O

heal arh !!


' Dear .. i dun wish tear come out from you.. '

this what you said

remember ??

by joanna.
heal wei =D