He cares. He loves.
I, belong to Him.
Nothing is greater than Him.
Loves! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Friday, October 8, 2010

well, i need to say thank you to my darling and seiye.

jerah and kiat. ")

thay really support me alot. ")
i saw it wei! "P

anyway, thx to you.
thx to believe me that i know what im doing. :)
muacksss. "D

i know what im doing? yea i should! ")

although i missed my practice yesterday, but he told me what's happening. ")
and another one asked me hows meeting yesterday! ")
thx for those caring yea. appreciate! ")

i gained something yesterday, its hard to find someone that can really talk like what we've did yesterday night. "D
thx to jeremy chew, danny chen and samantha sia! ")

danny really pushes me lots on my drums. well, that time, i did it! ")
but i've stopped it after i THOUGHT that im done. :(
as he said, music way is not as easy as what we thought.
we really need to put MUCH MUCH effort in it to survive in music industry.

jeremy and me struggling what can we do in future life. ")
and how to take the 1st step?! :)
i think he has his aim after yesterday's talk?! ")
he has three months to boost up his guitar skills! ")
support you! "D

samantha also struggles her work nowadays, but as she said, every morning new strength comes!
need to take the challenge again!
we cant just stay there after we fell. ")

nothing is impossible if we really put our effort in it!
support me! yay! "D

thx everyone. your advices much appreciated! ♥

joanna koh.