1st time man !!
i uploaded my picture !!
guess which 1 is me ??!!
( i knw you knw it =] )
i wonder why i din laugh also XD
acting cool ??!!
bluek XDD
honestly i love this pic sooo much !!
coz is so funiii !!
thx dear for taking dis pic =D
but too bad dear is not inside here =((
i'll have a photo vf u 1 =]

this is my junhee ( my grandaughter XD )
she's cute !!
and my face so fatttt !!
my teeth !!
omg =DD
i think the otherz at junhee's phone =]
will get it soon =]
this photo is taken from dear's fone
and that time me and junhee
taking photo vf junhee's phone cam
so is take 2 photo in different fone
but in the same time !!
understand ??!! =DD

muahahaahah XD
omg !!
until today mornin i went to school
only realize that today's test is
Moral and Chinese !!
thx Lord man !!
i taught is Chemistry !!
but i din studii also XD
so lazy !!!
tmrw is Chinese and Physics !!
im afraid T____T
get use of it that
i'll write a prayer before
i open my test paper =D
so every test i did also got a prayer infront 1 =]
LOL !!
God bless !!
today nothing happen and is bored !!
in Moral test paper im super
i slept dii den answer the questions
then slept again
then answer again
and again and again =D
then eat sweet lor
sugar ma =]
then energy come back dii XD
Chinese test i wrote more than
thousand words again XD
and my writing is small !!
so pity the teacher that marks my paper !!
i wanna DROP Chinese !!
but teacher dont let T___T
now im mad of SuJu's
It's you =]
so nice !!!
Nick introduced it !!
loves eynhyuk inside the mv !!
so cool !!
same as yesung too !!!
im listening it now also !! XD
thats the end =]
i wonder that wk flight back to M'sia today ryte ??
im waiting larhh !!!
Good flight ya gor =]
Amen .
by thelove joanna.
miss !! =]